Guinea parties boycott junta talks on return to civilian rule
Friday, November 25, 2022       03:05 WIB

Conakry, Nov 24, 2022 (AFP)
Guinea's main political parties boycotted talks with military-dominated authorities on conditions for a return to civilian rule on Thursday, as they had said they would do.
The talks, which opened on Thursday, were to discuss the transition period to democratic rule, but opened in a climate of mistrust after months of repression of dissent.
But an AFP correspondent noted that the National Alliance for Alternation and Democracy ( ANAD ), the Rally for the Guinean People (RPG), and the National Front for the Defence of the Constitution ( FNDC ) all boycotted the meeting.
They had set 10 conditions for joining the talks, including the release of political prisoners, the lifting of a ban on demonstrations, and an immediate end to the prosecution of their leaders.
Prime Minister Bernard Goumou said on November 14 that these matters could be discussed but should not be "a blocking factor" in the talks.
The West African state is ruled by a junta which seized power last year, overthrowing president Alpha Conde.
The military has pledged to hand over power following a period during which it says it will carry out far-reaching reforms.
Last month the junta, led by Colonel Mamady Doumbouya, agreed to limit this transitional period to two years from January 2023, under pressure from West African bloc ECOWAS.
The current talks have the support of ECOWAS, whose mediator, former Benin's President Thomas Boni Yayi, attended their opening.
The talks are set to cover the organisation of elections and the drafting of a new constitution.

Sumber : AFP